Forms and filing
Find forms and information related to filing an application for all Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB) matters.
On this page
Submit applications to the CFSRB by email at or by fax at 416-327-0558.
For questions, call 416-327-0111 or toll-free at 1-888-777-3616.
You must complete and submit the application or appeal form related to your matter by the deadline outlined on the form. Learn more about the hearing process on the Application and hearing process page.
There is no filing fee but there may be other expenses, such as fees to pay witnesses for attending. Hearings and mediations are held during the week and you or any witnesses may need to take time off school or work to attend.
Form instructions
To view, print or email CFSRB forms, you need Adobe Reader. You can download this free software from Adobe’s website.
To download forms to your computer:
- right click on the title of the form and select “Save link as”
- open the form on your computer
Do not open the forms directly online as some browsers (ex: Chrome, Safari, or Edge) may not allow you to open, complete and save the form.
If you need a form in an alternate format, such as braille or large print, please contact us.
Case processing officers at the CFSRB can explain to you how to fill out forms, what information the CFSRB needs, and how long steps in the process normally take. However, they cannot:
- give legal advice,
- recommend a lawyer or paralegal to represent you,
- tell you what words to use in your documents,
- tell you what to say at a pre-hearing, mediation or hearing, or
- tell you if you have a good case or what the outcome of your decision with the CFSRB could be.
How to submit forms
You can submit your application or appeal form to the CFSRB by email, mail or fax.
Child and Family Services Review Board
15 Grosvenor Street, Ground Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2G6