Legislation and rules

Important Notice

April 1, 2024

On April 1, 2024, the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) came into force and the Police Services Act (PSA) was repealed.

The OCPC cannot accept any new appeals, applications, or requests for investigation, and the applicable CSPA entities will assume responsibility for any new cases, as appropriate:

The OCPC continues to work diligently on its adjudicative and investigative caseloads and is making adjustments in accordance with the CSPA and Ontario Regulation 125/24 (Transitional Matters) under the CSPA. At a future date, to be determined by the Ministry of the Attorney General, the OCPC will be dissolved.

OCPC Legislation and rules

The following is a list of legislation and regulations related to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC).

Rules of Practice

Commission Rules of Practice Version Revised (2014)

Practice Directions

Direction is issued under Rule 3.2 of the Rules of Practice of the Ontario Civilian Police Commission (“Rules”). It applies to disciplinary appeals under section 87 of the Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P15, as amended (“Act”).

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