What’s new

November 30, 2020

TO: News Release
Updated Practice Direction on Hearing Formats

Effective November 30, 2020, Tribunals Ontario has an updated Practice Direction on Hearing Formats . The Practice Direction outlines Tribunals Ontario’s approach to determining the format of the hearing that will be held, and how a party can request a…
November 16, 2020

HRTO: News Release
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Seeking Feedback on Improving Electronic Hearings

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) is seeking input on how it can improve electronic and teleconference hearings to help better meet the needs of the people who access its services. As part of Tribunals Ontario’s digital transformation, the…
November 16, 2020

TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Announces its New Mailing Address

Tribunals Ontario is pleased to announce a new primary address for mail and courier deliveries: Tribunals Ontario 15 Grosvenor Street, Ground Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2G6 This new mailing address is the next step in consolidating Tribunals Ontario’s services, while…
November 12, 2020

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Improving Services

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is improving its operations and enhancing the quality of dispute resolution for the thousands of people across the province who access its services. The LTB is transforming its services to meet the needs of…
October 30, 2020

LTB: Operational Update
Amendments to Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) – 2021 Rent Freeze

The Government of Ontario has passed legislation to freeze rent at 2020 levels. This means that rents will not increase in 2021 for the vast majority of rental units covered under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). The rent freeze applies…
September 28, 2020

OPB: News Release
Statement on Associate Chair Appointment to the Ontario Parole Board

Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement on the Associate Chair appointment to the Ontario Parole Board (OPB): “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Chapelle as Associate Chair of the Ontario Parole Board,…
September 17, 2020

TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Implementing Digital-First Services for Ontarians

Building on the digital services implemented during the pandemic, Tribunals Ontario is pursuing a digital-first approach to meet the diverse needs of Ontarians and enhance the quality of dispute resolution services. To protect the health and safety of Ontarians and…
August 7, 2020

OCPC: News Release
Ontario Civilian Police Commission Releases Report on Investigation into Windsor Police Service and Windsor Police Services Board

Today, the Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC) released the report on its investigation into the Windsor Police Service (WPS) and Windsor Police Services Board (Board). In 2018, the OCPC received five complaints from officers of the WPS, which raised issues…
August 6, 2020

TO: News Release
Statement on Associate Chair Appointments to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and Social Benefits Tribunal

Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement on Associate Chair appointments to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) and Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT): "I am pleased to announce the following two Associate Chair appointments to…
August 6, 2020

LTB: News Release
Changes to Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Review and Comment

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is seeking input on proposed revisions to its Rules, guidelines and forms. The proposed changes are available here for public feedback until August 20, 2020. MEDIA CONTACT Janet Deline Tribunals Ontario Communications Media.TO-TDO@ontario.ca Subscribe…
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