Before Filing an Appeal

Learn about the powers and history of the Assessment Review Board (ARB) and navigate our introduction to property assessment to learn about property assessment in Ontario.

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1. About the ARB
2. Introduction to Property Assessment

1. About the Assessment Review Board

Learn about the powers and history of the Assessment Review Board (ARB).

On This Page

Use e-Services to file appeals and check appeal status at the ARB.

Mandate Overview

The Assessment Review Board (ARB) is an independent adjudicative tribunal established under the Assessment Review Board Act, which has the jurisdiction to hear appeals under the Assessment Act and municipal legislation (the Municipal Act and the City of Toronto Act). In general, the ARB hears appeals respecting property assessment, classification and some aspects of municipal taxation.

The provincial government, through the Ministry of Finance, sets the laws regarding property assessment. Municipalities are responsible for setting tax rates and collecting property taxes. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assesses and classifies all properties in Ontario. Property owners receive their Notices of Assessment from the MPAC, and tax bills are issued from municipalities. If there is a dispute regarding the assessment, a party can file an appeal with the ARB.

History of the ARB

Property assessments have been conducted in what is now Ontario since 1793. In 1970, the province assumed the role of assessing property from municipalities and replaced the Courts of Revision with the Assessment Review Court (ARC). The ARC was renamed the Assessment Review Board in 1983.

With the enactment of the Fair Municipal Finance Act, the ARB became the province’s sole adjudicative tribunal for property assessment appeals. The legislation reduced duplication and ensured that the ARB was the final tribunal of appeal for such appeals. Prior to 1998, ARB decisions could be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.

Decisions by the ARB are final and binding, subject only to appeal to the Divisional Court on questions of law when the Divisional Court grants leave to appeal. The ARB also exercises the power to review its decisions.

Beginning with the 2009 tax year, changes to the Assessment Act require owners of residential, farm and conservation lands, and managed forests to file a request for reconsideration with the MPAC, and/or the Program Administrator (for farm, managed forest, or conservation land), before they may file an appeal with the ARB.

The ARB‘s jurisdiction and its authority are defined by the Assessment Review Board Act, the Assessment Act, the Municipal Act, the City of Toronto Act, the Provincial Land Tax Act, the Education Act and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act.

2. Introduction to Property Assessment

Learn about property assessment in Ontario.

On This Page

Use e-Services to file appeals and check appeal status at the ARB.


In Ontario, property assessments are based on the current value as of a specific date. The Assessment Act determines the date of valuation for each taxation year. These dates are shown below.

Valuation Dates

Valuation Dates
Taxation Year Date of valuation
2013 – 2016 January 1, 2012
2017 – 2025 January 1, 2016

The Ontario assessment system is made up of four key organizations that each have a role in the assessment process.

Assessment Review Board

The Assessment Review Board (ARB) hears appeals on your assessment. If you think your assessment is incorrect, you can file an appeal with the ARB. For information on how to appeal, visit Filing an Appeal.

Statutory Contact Information

On November 14, 2017, the ARB requested that the complaints and appeals representative information be received by December 1, 2017, further to the ARB‘s Rules of Practice and Procedure, Practice Direction on Appeals Management. These lists can be found below for your reference. If no information was received by the ARB, the ARB applies a default contact person.

For any updates and/or corrections, send your requests and correct information to The subject line should read: Complaints Representative/Appeals Representative Update.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Municipality where the property is located are statutory parties to an assessment appeal as per the Assessment Act.

View this list to find all municipalities within Ontario and their contact information. This list is housed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for assessing all properties in Ontario. It operates under the authority of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Act. Every municipality in Ontario is a member of the MPAC, which is governed by a Board of Directors. The MPAC does not set assessment policy, but it does administer these policies.

The MPAC‘s main responsibility is to calculate assessed values, and to classify properties according to their use, for the over 5.7 million properties in Ontario. These values are provided to municipalities on annual assessment rolls. Municipalities and the Province use these values when they calculate property taxes and education taxes.

If you own a residential, farm, managed forest or conservation land property and think the assessment is wrong, you must file a Request for Reconsideration with the MPAC first. For information about MPAC’s process, please contact the MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.

Note: the ARB Transition Policy shifted the appeal process from past Rules and cycles into the current ARB Rules of Practice and Procedures, effective April 1st, 2017.


Municipalities set tax rates. They also issue your property tax bill. Contact your municipality if you have questions about your property taxes.

Ministry of Finance

The Ontario government, through the Ministry of Finance, is responsible for setting the laws regarding property assessment, including the Assessment Act and related regulations.

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